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PROGETTO NED TUNISIA: THE NEW FRONTIER OF DEMOCRACY - National Endowment for Democracy - 2013-2014

"Tunisia: the new frontier of democracy" is just the latest of many projects carried out by the Tunisian association SDEC aimed at increasing the participation in the political and social life of Tunisia by marginalized groups such as women, youth, and minorities. The project specifically targets the population of the Sidi Bouzid governorate, one of the poorest areas in the Maghreb country, but also known as the birthplace of the Arab Spring in 2011.

In addition to increasing participation and awareness of citizenship, the project aims to increase voter turnout in elections, thus asserting the right to vote as one of the most important and inalienable rights of citizens in a democratic state.

Here are the activities planned for the project:

  1. Establishment of a steering committee to plan and oversee all project activities and interventions.

  2. Training courses on democracy and methods to increase citizen participation.

  3. Training courses on Islam and its practical applications in democracy.

  4. Compilation of a manual with all the interventions made during the two courses.

  5. Creation of a newsletter to cover all the important moments of the project and disseminate its results.

  6. Creation of a database with all the participants in the activities and their interventions, in order to keep them in touch even after the project activities end.

The project activities were developed with the help of two partners of the applicant: AMDT (Mediterranean Association for Development in Tunisia) and DICA ETS.

And now, a brief summary of the actions already taken and the initial results achieved.

September 8-9, 2014:

  • First decision-making meeting among project partners, held in Hammamet, during which the steering committee (tasked with monitoring and reviewing the final results) was chosen and a work plan for subsequent activities was established.

September 23-24, 2014:

  • Consolidation of the Italian-Tunisian partnership, during the MEDNET event - Networking for the Inclusion of Youth People of the Mediterranean Basin, where Professor Amara Benromdhane, director of SDEC, spoke as a keynote speaker over the two days of the event.

On this occasion, the DICA association organized a meeting between Professor Amara and Professor Maurizio Vernassa, a lecturer in History and Institutions of Africa at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Pisa, laying the groundwork for collaboration between two important figures in the social and cultural fabric of the Pisan and Tunisian territories.

October 20-23, 2014:

  • Organization of workshops on democracy and political participation in the Sidi Bouzid governorate for influential religious leaders, considered indispensable sources of information for the dissemination of the project's objectives. Also present at the meetings were personalities from the institutions and the economic and social fabric of the area, as well as selected representatives of the project beneficiaries (women, youth, minorities).

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