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LAUNCHING THE COORDINATION MISSION OF: 'Waste Collection and Recycling Development in the Sidi Bouzid Area in Tunisia.'


The organizational and coordination mission of the project "Waste Collection and Recycling Development in the Sidi Bouzid Area in Tunisia," co-financed by the Tuscany Region with DICA ETS acting as coordinator and the Mediterranean Association for Development in Tunisia and the Municipality of Sidi Bouzid as local partners, will commence tomorrow, April 7th.

The mission aims to kickstart the first phase of the project. Specifically, the local Coordination Committee will:

- Define the schedule for 10 awareness-raising meetings.

- Determine the meeting locations.

- Identify participants/beneficiaries from the Sidi Bouzid area to engage.

- Develop an operational plan for the 2 meetings at schools in Sidi Bouzid on the topic of environmental information: "waste" and "recycling."

- Identify the schools.

- Produce informational materials.

Once these aspects are defined, the second phase (months 3, 4, and 5 of the project) will begin, characterized by the implementation of the awareness-raising meeting program.

The awareness-raising activities will be locally coordinated by the Mediterranean Association for Development in Tunisia (AMDT) and the Municipality of Sidi Bouzid, which will provide their qualified personnel. Additionally, professionals from vocational institutes, professional associations, or public entities from the Governorate of Sidi Bouzid will be involved as needed.

For more information about the project, please refer to the Cooperation Project section.

Photos, videos, and updates about the project activities will be available on DICA ETS's social media channels: Facebook page @DICAOnlus and Twitter @dicaonlus. Follow us for more updates!

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